Contact Adhesive 3M - Cork Glue | 1 Gallon
About this Item
We recommend using this water-based contact adhesive to permanently adhere cork flooring and wall tiles. Water-based contact adhesive creates a chemical bond, ensuring a strong adhesion for most surfaces.
- Water-based
- Strong & Secure Bond
- Adheres Well to Most Surfaces
Price is per 1 gallon. Each gallon covers approximately 175 sqft.
Item Details
Each 1 gallon bucket covers 16m2 (175 sqft) using 1 coat on subfloor or wall and 1 coat on the back of the roll or tile.
Other Information
Contact adhesive is applied to both the subfloor or wall and the back of the wall or roll. Once dried, the cork tile or roll is pressed (contact adhesive sides facing) to the wall or subfloor, creating a very strong, temperature-resistant bond.
More contact cement may need to be applied to cork than other surfaces.
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